Maxine McKew is a hack. She is not the second coming and she does not deserve the attention she is receiving. There I said it. And I realise the irony of decrying the amount of attention given to her which in turn increases the attention given!
She does not deserve hours of free publicity on ABC radio and television. The ABC is supposed to unbiased and give equal attention to both sides of politics. Name me one other political candidate in any other electorate that gets this much attention. What about the liberal candidate running against Rudd in his electorate. Do you even know their name? No, because they don't get free advertising from their old buddies/cronies at the ABC.
The ABC is funded by my taxes and I don't want it spent on plugging Maxine McKew.
And as for this supposed bomb threat against McKew I question whether it's real. Typically in these cases they don't advertise the threats cause they don't want to encourage other loonies. But lo and behold the ABC can't stop talking about this.
Even if it's real, who are these morons that actually think McKew has a chance of winning so they must blow her up? Do you really think any liberal actually believes that the Prime Minister will lose his seat. That's only happened once in the history of Australia! And Stanley Bruce was an English aristocrat who lost his seat he held for 6 years in a landslide defeat to his party. Unlikely to happen. Howards has controlled Benelong for 30 years!!
On the up-side, when Maxine does lose, it'll mean she can never go back into reporting again, since the public will clearly see her political bias.
I'm just waiting for Kevin to anounce our beloved Naomi Robson as his candidate for Higgins (standing against Peter Costello)...