Tata, an Indian car manufacturer, has just revealed the world's cheapest car. Targeted at India's fast-growing middle-class, the car is now within reach of a whole host of families who couldn't previously afford one.
Naturally, the prospects of having more people on the road gives environmentalists "nightmares". The UN's chief scientist, Rajendra Pachauri has already come out against the car, worried about the increased pollution output and other critics even claim that Tata has sacrificed safety to make the car so cheap.
Quite frankly, what right do these environmentalists have to deny people the same rights they have? They're fine driving around, presumably in huge cars in the United States like the Bentley Continental. Worse, Dr. Pachauri likely travels around the world a lot (in the name of "climate change", no doubt), on commercial airlines -- the single most polluting way to travel. Yet they think they have the right to deny that same convenience to hundreds of thousands of people.
I can't wait till the alarmist global warming "threat" becomes another fad. Maybe then the "climatologists" will tell us to start driving more and burning old growth forest.