The other Mason Batley

Looks like Mason Batley thinks his milkshake friends are better than ours...


Submitted by alpha on Sat 14/02/2004 - 14:50

Do i even want to ask?

i think that is a no...

like the necklace though :D hehe

oh well

i'll just leave you lot to your evil picture editing and trot of to die!


[17:26] <mason> chicks always complain that bigger is better, but u should be careful for what u wish for
[17:27] <mason> lol I'm big cos when i've gone for it the first reaction is whole shit
[17:28] <mason> some chicks can't take it
[17:28] <mason> they say they have splitting pains
[17:33] <mason> i jest dont' get off on having sex without meaning

[13:26] <Darlz> did u pick up?
[13:27] <Mason> well if u concider me sleepin with kirsty, then yey

[18:15] <mason> kirsty's on the pill, but i'd still be hesitant to not cover up

SNIP Night After "Sleeping" With Kirsty SNAP
[19:36] <Mason> i didn't sleep at all last night
[19:36] <Nemesis__> why?
[19:36] <Mason> lol the first night that u were sleepin with ash, did u actually sleep ;)

[13:27] <Mason> well if u concider me sleepin with kirsty, then yey
[13:27] <Darlz> was she any good?
[13:27] <Mason> yer i rate her
[13:27] <Darlz> suppose thats better than raped her
[13:28] <Darlz> so, r u guys together now
[13:28] <Mason> na
[13:33] <Darlz> so mase tell me, how is sleping picking up??
[13:34] <Mason> ok, we'll i picked up then
[13:34] <Darlz> how do you rate someone you didnt shag tho....or did you shag?
[13:34] <Mason> na, pete was sleepin next to us lol
[13:35] <Mason> bob2: u remember that kirsty chick from anita's 18th ?
[13:35] <bob2> yeah
[13:35] <bob2> you're going out with her?
[13:35] <Mason> i ended up sleepin with her @ sophies place
[13:36] <Darlz> you screwed her?
[13:36] <Mason> no
[13:37] <Mason> nothing happened
[13:37] <Darlz> so, you didnt pick up?
[13:38] <Darlz> so, how do u rate someone you didnt get with?
[13:39] <Mason> i like her

Submitted by nemesis on Wed 12/05/2004 - 19:57

Ashlea: have we slept together?
Mason: u dont remember ?
Mason: dam
Ashlea: right..... cos i havn't gotten with u....
Ashlea: just so were clear on the subject.
Mason: lol not that i recall.. cept for that night in Cancun
Ashlea: okay cos nita said that we had.... and i was confuddled... cos i've never been that drunk around u to not remember what i did....
Mason: hahahah
Ashlea: or should i say that u siad that we had
Mason: oh yer, we all had a massive 6 piece orgy
Mason: how could u forget
Ashlea: oh right....
Mason: how could u forget about bandcamp
Mason: i mean honestly

Submitted by mason on Thu 13/05/2004 - 15:04

sar·casm (Noun)

A cutting, often ironic remark intended to wound.
A form of wit that is marked by the use of sarcastic language and is intended to make its victim the butt of contempt or ridicule.
The use of sarcasm. See Synonyms at wit1.

[Late Latin sarcasmus, from Greek sarkasmos, from sarkazein, to bite the lips in rage, from sarx, sark-, flesh.]

Submitted by puffin on Fri 14/05/2004 - 01:24

Maybe it's time to stop being so sarcastic on this topic, you REALLY don't want people to take you seriously. Going down this path could get you a bad rep that's not easy to shake.

Submitted by sparkles on Fri 14/05/2004 - 01:52

You should set the story straight and people know when you actually did get some sex from a female...

These romours are just going to distroy your reputation (if you even had one in the first place) and make you look like a creep.

Have you actually measured your dick and compared it others? This should give you indication to weither you uncooked frankfert is abnormally large.

sleeping with is having sex someone
getting with is having sex someone

Sleeping in the same room as someone is NOT sleeping with or getting with.
Hugging is NOT getting with.
A girl falling a sleep within 5 metres of you has not had sex with you while she was sleeping.

You sound a bit more than sarcastic in those posts.


Submitted by nemesis on Tue 20/07/2004 - 21:20

Ashlea: i've been told that ure not very nice right now
Mason: ha
Mason: i've been very nice to pete tho he doesn't want to play ball
Ashlea: yeah its kirsty that u havn't been nice to...
Mason: I moved on
Mason: she will too
Ashlea: dude u were really tight... u told me that u BOTH had an understanding... not just u...
Mason: as soon as I thought something might of happened with me + hev I told her that if she comes back and were not togeather then so be it
Mason: If she found someone up there I would of understood
Mason: she has a life aswell
Ashlea: yeah but u should hav made it clear.. that's why everyone hates u tight now, cos u didn't tell her where ure intentions lied
Mason: I told her long before we hooked up, but yer
Mason: I told her what she needed to know.
Ashlea: not very nice
Mason: breakups are fucked either way
Mason: someone will get hurt
Ashlea: but there are break-ups and there are breakups
Mason: the fact is that it's over
Ashlea: they don't hav to b that horrible
Mason: so stop bitching bout how it ended
Mason: it's the dating game
Ashlea: i'm not bitching.. i just think that u and pete and everyone else were good friends- so y does that friendship hav to end
Ashlea: nic doesn't want to invite u to her party cos she is afraid of what will happen
Mason: i have no problem with pete, hes a good bloke, he's just being a tool @ the moment
Ashlea: he is only bein a tool cos he is sympathising with kirsty (who is prob. cying in her room at this point in time)
Mason: yer i know
Mason: I understand why he's upset
Ashlea: so maybe u should do something about it!
Mason: I don't hate or dislike kirsty btw, i'd still like to be friends with her, but I don't think she'd understand that i'm happy now
Mason: I couldnt connect with kirsty
Ashlea: well maybe u should make her understand that
Ashlea: hav u even talked to her?
Mason: na, she sent me some abusive txt I read the first line then deleted them
Mason: i'll let her get over it then i'll talk to her
Mason: shes still venting
Ashlea: nah dude if u want to keep ure friendship with pete- talk to her
Ashlea: and soon
Ashlea: u could help her vent... or hav a life long enemy
Ashlea: personally i'd prefer the former
Mason: sorry i'm on the phone
Mason: hey soz i'm @ wor
Mason: yer well i'll talk to her eventualy
Mason: she'll get a new bf soon enough
Ashlea: dude i don't think u understand
Ashlea: u hav to do it asap....
Mason: shes not my problem any more
Ashlea: yeah she is. i'm not saying that u hav to go out with her again... just hav a talk... u don't even hav to talk to her for that long
Mason: i'll give her enough time to get over it first
Ashlea: dude then it'll b too late
Ashlea: she isn't gonna beat u up
Ashlea: i don't know what ure afraid of
Mason: it's because I'm not going to put up with her shit
Mason: when shes over it, i'll talk to her
Ashlea: with her shit? she just wants to know that u don't want to b with her and that ure sorry
Ashlea: that's all
Mason: i'm sorry for what /
Mason: i'm sorry that i'm happy now ????
Ashlea: no ure sorry that u made her unhappy
Mason: just wants to know that i don't want to be with her /?? i have a gf, what the fuck is she thinking /?
Ashlea: does she know u hav one?
Mason: yer
Ashlea: well just tell her taht ure sorry
Mason: no
Mason: i'm not sorry
Mason: I broke up with her cos I took up an opertunity
Ashlea: well then i hav no respect for u then
Mason: it's life
Mason: your 16
Ashlea: u hurt someone and ure not sorry
Ashlea: and?
Mason: it's life
Mason: breakups happen
Ashlea: what has my age got to do with anyting
Mason: i've been through many
Ashlea: so?
Ashlea: u can still say sorry to soemone that u apparently still want to be friends with.
Mason: I do, but i'm not going to talk to her while shes irate cos i'm not going to go into some bitch session with her
Ashlea: i doubt she would hav a bitch session unless u said something horrible to her
Mason: she sent me some message on fri night which started out with some bitch session so I just deleted them
Mason: and replyed with 'i moved on, hope you can to -mase'
Ashlea: dude u hav no compassion
Ashlea: if u've been through breakups then u know what she is goin through
Ashlea: no respect dude
Mason: yer i went through one early this year and I was upset to
Mason: it's life
Mason: i'm not there to make her feel better, thats what her friends are for
Ashlea: but i thought u said that u wanted to be friends with her... it still wouldn't hurt so appologise
Mason: i do, and i'll talk to her later on when shes stopped venting
Ashlea: fine...

[21:45] d_messing2: well they had planned on going to Sinsations last night
[21:45] d_messing2: heathers very conventional
[21:45] d_messing2: doesnt believe in sex before marriage
[21:46] d_messing2: and she says its all mason thinks about
[21:46] d_messing2: and she says he's smothering her

Submitted by nemesis on Sun 29/08/2004 - 22:30

[22:28] <Husk2> heather spent 2 days putting rings on sheep balls so they fall off
[22:28] <Husk2> what ever turns mason on...
[22:28] <Nemesis__> too bad she wont touch mason's .. haha
[22:28] <Husk2> she'll put a ring on them
[22:28] <Husk2> he says thats a 'misunderstanding'