Well it looks like realmtech is here to stay, so lets help pete make the site even better by giving him tips to improve it.
Here are some I prepared earlyer:
- Fix the dates on the articles on the main page (eg so they read: Saturday 12th April 2003)
- Add emotions so :) is a smiley pic
- When you login it goes back to the page you were on and not just display 'logon sucessful'
- Online Chat?
- Picture Gallery
You want fries with that?
Okie dokie dates and login fixed...
Emoticons do-able... (but later :P)
Online chat.. possible perhaps...
Picture gallery not possible, I only paid for 10mb webspace (im a cheapass :))
Hows this for emoticons?
:) :P ;) :( :D >:( :P :O rofl
Might add some more later... *shrugs*
So emotions are working now? :)
Someone has to have something else that bugs them about realmtech.net that they would like fixed??
Need to somehow get more visitors as well... Damn nation.