Sedam Heusieun a ruler or just giant stupid dick waiting to blow his load???
Dam it people, Why must you all protest against the war when infact Sedam is just a stupid idiot who won't fully disarm his military and dispose of his weaponary.
Why don't you all start protesting against iraq not disarming? The point of the US going to war with iraq, is to ensure the safty of Ameria and their allies from an attack from iraq and their weapons of mass destruction.
Hitler is not a ruler, not will Sedam ever be. Their both just as stupid, arrogant and and fucked up as each other. Hitler fell from his perch and so will Sedam.
What right has the UN/US (Theyre' both practically the same thing anyway) to tell another country to surrender all its weapons?
Why does this same rule not apply to the US? It'd been said the US has enough firepower to annihilate the entire earth 200 times over -- any they say Iraq is a threat?
Iraq's stayed quiet and hasn't bothered anyone since the last Gulf War. The US is simply trigger happy and needs someone to point a finger at.
Instead of "Disarm Iraq", why not "Disarm Bush" ?
*hands mason a double dose of chill pill* its alright mason, just think happy thoughts
I don't think you will like the idea of war- when you have to go.
Everyone has a right to protest to at least let out their emotions and show some kind of dissagreement with the situation.
If people dont get a chance to say how they feel that is when depression and regret fill their minds when they see the media showing innocent people killed (which they wont)
A thing that seems little, like a protest does effect the desicions of government. As proven with Vietnam. People protested and held off the war for years, hopefully we can hold this one off for ever.
Lets make peace by killing the innocent.
One of the principal arguments put forward for a US invasion of Iraq is that Iraq is providing support for Al Qaeda and is a center for anti-American terrorism. Fighting the war on terror hey? President Bush and his army of aides have FAILED to link Iraqi President Saddam Hussein to Osama bin Laden's terror attack on 9/11 OR Al Qaeda. WTF?!?!?! Show us your proof dickhead.
Iraq is now considered such a threat that it is necessary to invade the country and replace its leader, even though military spending by Iraq has been estimated at barely one-tenth of what it was in the 1980s. MMMMM
What chance do they have, if they have, as Bush has ordered destroyed their WMDs? He knows he would be defeated, do you think he would really jeopardize his position (which is the first thing he cares about.. ) in even thinking of using his WMDs starting off a mammoth war?
Oil.. MMMMM..
George Bush is a fuckwit who is more intent on blowing his 'load' on Iraq rather than concentrating on some of the real issues.. whatever happened to his mission to find Bin-Laden anyway???? Plus, I have a grudge against americans. Just quietly the majority of America is so friggin naive they would believe anything the patriotic assholes. They would feel threatened by a fire cracker.
Human rights, now that is an issue in Iraq that needs to be dealt with. Fuckin do something about that.
Innocent people will die if, operative word is IF this war happens.. I personally don't think that they will do it. Do you think Bush has the balls?!?! I mean REALLLLLLLLY....
You don't think it's going to happen because you dont think the US has the balls to do it?
They've proved over and over again that they're just a bunch of trigger happy lunatics (I mean, look at their own gun laws). If Bush isn't convinced Hussein is sucking his cock hard enough, I think he's going to start another Gulf War. Just like every other time.
mason can't spell
it's saddam hussein
and all the leader at the moment are complete idiots. The best way to resolve this conflict is t get rid of Bush, Hussein, Howard and Blair. Maybe then some semblance of a peaceful resolution can be met.
*pokes* peter. Bored after 3 seconds? Loser.